Index - Pacific Coast



Abrams Island 623
Acland Islands light buoy U60 258.2
Active Pass 275
Addenbroke Island 585
Adventure Bay 52
Agnew Bank light and bell buoy D24 692
Agnew Passage 460
Aguilar Point Sector 172
Ahlstrom Point 457
Alarm Rock 294
Alaska Ferry North 710
Alaska Ferry South 709
Alberni 168
Albert Point 40.5
Alert Bay Breakwater 548
Alert Rock light buoy N17 549.3
Alexander Islands 630.2
Alexandra Bank light and whistle buoy DAX 688.5
Alice Arm 767
Alice Arm Wharf 768.2
Allan Rocks light and whistle buoy N33 576.4
Allen Point 658
Alliford Bay 782.1
Alwen Creek 34
American Islands 817.5
Amos Island 82
Amos Passage 654.8
Amphitrite Point 135
Anderson Point 109.8
Annacis Island Pile Wall North 366.8
Annacis Island Pile Wall South 365
Annieville Channel Pile Wall North 366.3
Annieville Channel Pile Wall South 366.1
Annieville Channel range 363, 364
Annieville Rock Wall 1 366.5
Annieville Rock Wall 3 366.6
Annieville Rock Wall 4 366.7
Ann Point 40
Arachne Reef 254.3
Aranzazu Banks light buoy EB4 631.4
Aranzazu Banks West light buoy EB2 631.3
Archibald Islands 750
Armstrong Point 50.2
Arrowhead light buoy A29 40.7
Arrow Park 34.5
Ashdown Island 632
Assits Island 153
Atrevida Point 110
Atrevida Reef light buoy Q26 477.5



Bacon Rock light buoy D40 701.2
Baeria Rocks 151
Baird Point 742.5
Bajo Reef light and whistle buoy M56 106
Baker Inlet 670.5
Baker Point 628
Ballenas Islands 490
Bamber Point 557
Banana Bay Reef 13.7
Banks Island Middle 738.5
Banks Island North 737.5
Banks Island Southeast Sector 739.7
Bannock Point 40.6
Bare Point 280
Bark Island 609.8
Barrett Rock 703
Base Sand light buoy D10 675.6
Bate Point light buoy P12 445
Baynes Channel North 216.3
Bear Point 521.6
Bear Tooth Creek 476.8
Beaumont Island 604
Beauty Island 168.7
Beaver Island Reef light buoy T3 819
Beaver Point 257
Bedwell Islands 68.5
Bella Coola Breakwater 598.5
Ben Mohr Rock light buoy UK 270
Benson Island 140
Berens Island 206
Berry Point 411
Best Point 412.5
Billard Rock light and whistle buoy M3 68.2
Bilton Point 157
Bird Islet 421.4
Birnie Island 728
Bishop Island light buoy D42 701.5
Blackfish Clan light buoy EF1 748.5
Blackfly Point 665.8
Black Point 47
Blackrock Point 665.4
Blackrock Point Sector 665.41
Blinkhorn Peninsula 545
Block Head 665.2
Block Islands 741
Blow Reef 609.9
Blue Heron Basin 234.5
Blue Heron Basin Entrance 234.3
Blue Lead Creek 827.5
Boat Bay 544
Boat Bluff Sector 640
Bodega 100.8
Bonilla Island Sector 734
Borde Island 635
Bordelais Islets 174
Borthwick Rock light buoy EB5 631.5
Bosquet Point 584
Boston Point 104
Boucheries Point 58
Bouldery Creek 825.7
Boundary Point 168.8
Bowman Creek 27.5
Breakwater Island 433.2
Broad Point West (Hyde Creek) Sector 550.9
Brock Point 48.5
Brockton Island 68.8
Broken Islands 536
Brooke Shoal 765.5
Brotchie Ledge 205
Brown Bay 516.5
Browning Entrance 742
Brown Passage light and whistle buoy D60 751.2
Brownsville light buoy S40 368.5
Brunswick Point 425
Buchholz Rock light buoy M14 73.5
Buckley Bay Ferry Landing 496.2
Bughouse Bay 50
Bull Harbour Entrance 573.6
Bully Island 745
Burial Islet 251
Burnaby Shoal 403
Burns Point 414
Burrard Inlet Cautionary light buoy QB 388
Burrard Inlet Cautionary light buoy QD 391
Burton Approach 32.7
Burton West 33
Bush Rock 771.7
Butterworth Rocks 751



Calamity Point 395
Calamity Shoal light buoy Q65 395.3
Cameron Point 53
Campbell River Breakwater 512
Campbell River Ferry Terminal Dolphin No. 2 512.3
Campbell River Ferry Terminal Dolphin No. 3 512.4
Campbell River North 512.2
Camp Point 523
Canal Island 103
Canoe Pass light buoy T14 308
Canoe Rock 256
Cape Beale 176
Cape Caution 578
Cape Cockburn 455
Cape Farewell 664
Cape Horn 14.3
Cape Horn 23
Cape Horn 39.5
Cape Lazo - East Cardinal light buoy PB 507.5
Cape Mark 616
Cape Mudge North Sector 511.1
Cape Mudge Sector 511
Cape Roger Curtis 417
Cape Scott 66
Cape St. James 770
Captain Island 458
Captain Passage light buoy U62 258.4
Cariboo Island 822
Carmanah Point 180
Carne Rock 617.7
Carolina Channel light and whistle buoy Y42 136
Carolina Passage Inner light and bell buoy Y43 136.5
Carraholly Point 415
Carraholly range 415.1, 415.2
Carterer Point 542
Casey Point 704
Cassia Island 476.4
Cayuse Creek 27
Cecil Patch 676.5
Cedar Creek 821.7
Celia Reef light buoy U14 240.5
Celista Creek 49.5
Central Dixon Entrance ODAS light buoy 46145 801
Central ODAS light buoy 70-5 59
Centre Island 92
Channel Islands 258
Chatham Point 518
Chearnley Passage 749
Chemainus Bay range 282, 283
Chippewa Peninsula 476.5
Cholberg Point 571
Chrome (Yellow) Island range 495, 496
Chrow Islands 139
Chup Point 154
Cinque Islands 517.5
City Reach Inbound range 361, 362
City Reach Outbound range 359, 360
Clarke Rock 447.2
Clark Point 168.4
Clark Point 582
Clerke Peninsula 107
Cliffe Point 68.3
Clio Island 118.5
Clio Point 654.9
Clive Island 246
Clo-oose 179.1
CN Railway Bridge Centre Span East 409.6
CN Railway Bridge Centre Span Northeast 409.4
CN Railway Bridge Centre Span Northwest 409.5
CN Railway Bridge Centre Span Southeast 409.8
CN Railway Bridge Centre Span Southwest 409.9
CN Railway Bridge Centre Span West 409.7
CN Railway Bridge Northeast 409
CN Railway Bridge Northwest 409.3
CN Railway Bridge Sector 409.35
CN Railway Bridge Southeast 409.1
CN Railway Bridge Southwest 409.2
Coal Harbour 404
Coal Island 238
Coal Island light buoy U8 240
Coaster Channel 148
Coffee Creek 15
Coffin Island 297
Colburne Passage light buoy U18 248
Colburne Passage South 248.1
Colliery range 442, 443
Colquhoun Shoal North Cardinal light and whistle buoy DCO 687.1
Comox Aeronautical Beacon 508
Comox Bar light and bell buoy P54 500
Comox Bar range 501, 502
Comox Harbour Breakwater 504
Comox Harbour East Breakwater 504.1
Conconi Reef 266
Connis Islet 744
Connis Rocks 729.5
Cook Point 794
Coolidge Point 600
Coomes Bank light buoy Y11 123.3
Copper Island 50.5
Cornwall Point 659
Cortes Bay 481
Coste Island 654.7
Coste Rocks 654.4
Courtenay River Beacon # 1 504.3
Courtenay River range 505, 506
Cousins Inlet 599.5
Cowichan Bay East Breakwater 249.7
Cowichan Bay West Breakwater 249.8
Cozen Point 373.7
C.P.R. Tunnel 45
Cracroft Point 544.4
Crane Islands 569
Cran Shoal light buoy EB7 631.1
Crescent Beach 299.5
Crescent Channel 299.6
Cridge Passage 665.5
Crispin Rock light buoy UJ 265.5
Crofton 277
Croker Island South 412.6
Croker Point 265.2
Cruickshank Point 50.8
Current Passage Sector 524
Currie Islet (Gosling Rocks) 589
Curwen Island 144.5
Cyril Rock 470



Dall Rocks light and bell buoy E33 612
Danger Reefs 292
D’Arcy Island 226
D’Arcy Shoals light buoy U1 226.3
Darwin Point 774
Davey Rock light buoy N32 569.2
Davidson Point 809
Dawson Islands 796
Deadman Island 403.5
Deadman Islets 129
Deadman Islet Sector 736.5
Dead Tree Point light and whistle buoy C19 785
Dean Point 527.9
Deas Island range 348.5, 348.6
Deas Point 601
Deas Slough 348.3
Deception Point 824.5
Deep Bay 497
Deep Ridge light buoy UN 257.9
De Horsey Island 678
Delkatla Inlet 793.5
Denman Island 499
Denman Island East Ferry Landing 496.3
Denman Island Ferry Landing 496.1
Dent Islands 531
Departure Bay West Cardinal light buoy PW 445.5
Descanso Bay 438
Devastation Island 721.6
Dibuxante Point 433.8
Dillon Rock 572
Discovery Island 216
Dispatch Island Sector 37
Dixon Entrance West ODAS light buoy 46205 807.1
Dock Island 230
Doctors Point 379.5
Dodge Cove light buoy D50 705.1
Dodge Cove range 706.1, 706.12
Dodge Island light buoy D53 706.3
Donald Islets 76
Donald Point 605
Dorothy Creek 168.3
Dorothy Island 655
Double Island 91
Double Islets 755.2
Dougan Point 631.6
Douglas Channel 652.4
Doyle Island 568
Drew Harbour 485
Drinkwater Creek 168.2
Driver Point 118.3
Dryad Point Sector 611
Duckers Islands 629
Duff Islet 558
Dugout Rocks 581
Dundas Island 730.6
Dundas Point Sector 717
Dunsmuir Point 162
Dupont Island East 630
Dupont Island West 630.1
Du Vernet Point 714



Earl Ledge 534.3
Earls Cove 460.3
East Copper Island 772
East Cracroft Island range 540, 541
East Dellwood ODAS light buoy 46207 67.4
East Kinahan Island 699
Echo Island 377
Ecstall Island 679
Edgewood East 29
Edward Point 596
Egg Island 579
Ehatisaht 93
Ekins Point 428
Emilia Island 653
Encounter Point 49.3
Enfield Rock light and bell buoy D76 719.5
Engineers Point 44.2
English Bay Anchorage East 387.2
English Bay Beach light buoy Q41 388.6
English Bay Entrance ODAS light buoy 4600304 385.3
Enterprise Reef sector 271
Entrance Bluff Sector 659.5
Entrance Island 435
Epsom Point 452
Esperanza Inlet light and whistle buoy M40 88.1
Estevan Point 114
Europa Point 657
Eva Point 660.5



Fair Harbour 87
Fair Harbour Approach 86
Fairview Bifurcation light buoy DE 705.8
False Bay 492
False Creek Sector 390
Fane Island 265.8
Fanny Bay Breakwater 498.5
Fanny Island 542.8
Fanny Point 741.7
Farewell Point 594
Fawcett Point 631.9
Fawn Point 168.5
Fegen Islets 466
Felice Island light buoy Y3 132
Ferguson Point West Cardinal light buoy QC 390.5
Fern Creek 31.5
Fernie Island 236
Fernyhough Point 631.7
Fiddle Reef Sector 215
Finisterre Island 420
Fin Rock 665.3
First Narrows 394
Fisgard Island light buoy V17 198
Fisgard Sector 197
Fishermans Cove 421
Five Mile Point 2
Flagpole Point 597
Flatrock Island 769
Flora Islet 494
Flowery Islet 781
Fog Rocks 591
Folger Island 175
Forbes Island 141
Ford Cove Floating Breakwater North 494.5
Forrest Island 225.4
Fort Point 755.4
Fort St. James 821.5
Fort St. James Breakwater 821.2
Forwood Channel light buoy P0 435.2
Fougner Point 600.8
Francis Island 137
Francis Point 453
Franklin River 160
Fraser Narrows 6.4
Fraser River light buoy S2 314
Fraser River light buoy S4 319
Fraser River light buoy S6 321
Fraser River light buoy S8 321.5
Fraser River light buoy S10 325
Fraser River light buoy S14 332
Fraser River light buoy S16 336
Fraser River light buoy S19 337
Fraser River light buoy S21 337.5
Fraser River light buoy S23 346.7
Fraser River light buoy S25 344
Fraser River light buoy S28 349
Fraser River light buoy S30 349.5
Fraser River light buoy S32 350
Fraser River light buoy S34 358
Fraser River light buoy SO 312
Fraser River ODAS buoy 354.9
Frederick Island 807.2
Frederick Point 703.5
Freeman Passage 747
Freeman Passage light and bell buoy E98 746.8
Freeman Point 638
French Creek 491
Frigon Islets 74
Fulford Harbour 244
Fulford Harbour Dolphin 244.1
Fulford Reef North Cardinal light buoy VK 215.5



Gabriola Passage East 433.5
Gabriola Reefs light buoy UM 433.1
Galiano 273
Gallows Point 439
Ganges Harbour 261
Garcin Rocks 771
Garry Point West 333
Gayward Rock 81
Genn Islands 684
George Point 803
Georgia Rock light and bell buoy D43 701
Gibson Island light and bell buoy D6 671.6
Gibsons Landing 431
Gibsons Landing Breakwater South 431.5
Gibsons Landing Rock 430
Gil Island NW 665.6
Gillard Islands 530
Gillatt Island 783
Glaholm Islet 615
Goat Island West 476.6
Godkin Point 573
Gold River 113
Goose Island 373.5
Goose Spit 503
Goose Spit 825
Gore Island 110.5
Gore Island West 110.3
Gosse Passage light buoy U9 247.3
Gosse Point 413
Gossip Shoals light and bell buoy U47 276
Goudge Island 237
Governor Rock light buoy U45 290
Gowgaia Point 811.9
Gowlland Point 253
Grace Islands 429
Grace Islet 262
Grant Narrows East 373
Grant Narrows West 372
Grant Reefs light buoy QM 477
Grappler Inlet 171.5
Grappler Rock 285
Grave Point 276.3
Great Central East 168.6
Grebe Islets 421.2
Green Island 730
Greentop Islet 691
Greenwood Point 67.8
Grenville Rock light buoy EF2 749.2
Gribbell Island Northeast 661.6
Grief Point 469
Grief Point East 468.5
Griffin Point 645
Griffiths Islet 532
Grindstone Point 712
Gull Rocks 687



Haaksvold Point 603
Haans Islet 780
Haddington Island 550.5
Haddington Island South 550.8
Haddington Reefs light buoy N20 550
Haddington Reefs Pier 550.2
Haggens Point 824
Haig Rock 624
Halfway Point 62
Halibut Bank ODAS light buoy 46146 447.5
Halsey Point 651.6
Hand Island 147
Hand Island Passage 145
Hankin Rock 743
Hanmer Island 675
Hanmer Rocks 752.3
Hanmer Rocks light and whistle buoy D57 753
Hanmer Rocks light and whistle buoy D62 753.1
Hanna Channel 109
Hanson Island East Sector 544.5
Harbott Point 529
Harbourmaster Point 605.5
Harbour Rock 651.5
Hardy Bay 564
Hardy Bay Inner 565
Hardy Bay Inner No. 2 565.2
Haro Strait South Cardinal light buoy VD 216.4
Harris Island 562
Harrison Hot Springs 379
Harris Rock 733
Harrop Point 6
Hartley Bay Breakwater 651.2
Hartley Bay Floating Breakwater 651.21
Haswell Island 776
Hatch Point NE 249.1
Hatch Point SW 249.2
Hattie Island 757
Havannah Islets 537
Havelock Rock 685.5
Haven Point 49
Hawkesbury Island 652.2
Hayden Passage 119
Hay Point 254
Hazeltine Creek 821.8
Helen Point 272
Helen Point 651.9
Helmcken Island North 526
Helmcken Island Sector 525
Helmcken Island South Sector 533
Herbert Reefs 674
Hesquiat Harbour 115.1
Hewitt Island 642.8
Hewitt Rock light buoy EH 642.7
Hickey Point 535
Hiekish Narrows 642.6
Hilton Point 654.2
Hippa Island 807.4
Hocking Point 159
Hodgson Reefs light and whistle buoy D84 724
Hohm Island 166
Hokonson Point 600.6
Hole in the Wall West 528
Holland Rock 690
Holliday Island 731
Hope Point 420.4
Horda Shoals light buoy UD 258.5
Hornby Island Ferry Landing 496.4
Hornby Point 768.6
Horswell Rock East Cardinal light buoy PL 446.5
Hospital Rock light buoy U30 281
Houston River 111.8
Hudson Island North 294.5
Hudson Rocks 447
Hunt Rock light buoy N35 570.5
Hyde Rock 766
Hyndman Reefs 614



Idol Point 613
Ildstad Islands 69
Imperieuse Rock light buoy P21 488
Indian Reserve 137.5
Inkman Island 375
Inskip Islands range 199, 200
International Boundary light A 302
International Boundary light B 302.5
International Boundary light C 303
International Boundary light D 304
International Boundary light E 304.3
International Boundary light F 304.5
International Boundary light G 305
International Boundary light H 305.5
International Boundary light I 306
Inverness Passage 689
Iphigenia Point (Langara Island) 806
Isabella Island 242
Ivory Island 617



Jacinto Islands 631
Jacinto Point 732
Jack Point 438.5
Jackscrew Island 293.5
Jackson Rock 243
Jaffrey Rock light and whistle buoy E64 622
James Island 227
James Point 559
Jeannette Islands 561
Jennie Chow Island Reef 821
Jesse Island 446
Jewitt Cove 102.5
Joan Point 298
Johnson Channel (Wallace) 594.8
Johnston Creek East 28.5
Jorkins Point 637
Junction Point 480



Kaien Island Sector 703.3
Kanaka Bluff 241
Karouk Island 85
Kaslo 17
Kaslo North 18
Kelkpa Point 602
Kelowna Breakwater 57
Kelowna Breakwater North Entrance 57.2
Kelowna Breakwater South Entrance 57.1
Kelowna Yacht Club Breakwater 56.5
Kelpie Point 587
Kelp Patch light buoy N22 553.5
Kelp Reef light buoy D63 722.5
Kelp Reefs 224
Kelsey Bay Breakwater 534.5
Kendrick Inlet 102
Kennedy Island 673
Kersey Point 654
Kindakun Point 807.7
Kingcome Point 648
Kingui Island 778
Kirkland Island Breakwater 348.2
Kirkland Island range 348, 348.1
Kirkland Island West 346.5
Kiskosh Inlet 651.7
Kitkatla Boat Harbour light buoy E95 745.5
Kitkatla Islands East 745.1
Kitkatla Islands West 745.3
Kitsilano Base 389
Kitsilano light buoy Q52 388.1
Kiwash Island 590
Klewnuggit 669
Knapp Island light buoy U10 247
Kokanee Narrows 5
Kokanee Point East 5.3
Kooh Rock light buoy Y51 169
Kootenay Bay Breakwater 12
Kootenay Landing Outer 13.3
Koskimo Islands 68.6
Kuhushan Point 509
Kunakun Point 807.5
Kunechin Islets 464
Kuskonook 13.4
Kwakume Point 586
Kwuna Point 782
Kyuquot Channel light and whistle buoy M38 84



Ladysmith Harbour Floating Breakwater 296.7
Langara Point 807
Laperouse Bank ODAS light buoy 46206 176.5
Lardeau 20
Larsen Harbour 736
Laurel Point 209
Law Islands 615.2
Lawn Point light and bell buoy C18 786
Lawn Point light and whistle buoy C16 787
Lawn Point Sector 787.5
Lawyer Islands North 685.3
Lawyer Islands South 684.5
Lax Kw’alaams light buoy D91 727
Leading Point 635.3
Leading Point 755.8
Learmonth Island 797
Leeson Point 70
Legace Point 637.3
Legge Point 639
Lennard Island 134
Levy Point 633
Lewis Passage 665.7
Lewis Point 546
Lewis Reef 213
Liddle Island 765.7
Limestone Island 154.8
Lions Gate Bridge Inbound Sector 392.6
Lions Gate Bridge, Northeast – Outbound Bridge Wing 393.7
Lions Gate Bridge, Northwest – Inbound Bridge Wing 392.8
Lions Gate Bridge Outbound Sector 393.5
Lions Gate Bridge, Southeast –Outbound Bridge Wing 393.6
Lions Gate Bridge, Southwest – Inbound Bridge Wing 392.7
Little Group Rock 230.5
Little Zero Rock light buoy V30 222.8
Lizard Point 555.8
Lizard Point 754
Logan Rock 630.5
Lombard Point 621
Lone Tree Point 164
Long Harbour 260
Long Island 376
Lookout Island 78
Lookout Point 422
Lorte Island 531.5
Low Island 775
Luard Shoal light and whistle buoy E63 620
Lucy Islands 719
Lucy Islands North 719.2
Lund 479
Lund Breakwater Centre 478.3
Lund Breakwater North 478.4
Lund Breakwater South 478.2
Lyall Island 532.2
Lyall Point 146
Lynx Bay 826



Macktush Creek 161
Maitland Island 652.5
Major Brown Rock 583
Major Islet 479.2
Makwazniht Island 72
Malibu Rapids 459
Mandarte Island East Cardinal light buoy UT 225.1
Mandarte Island North 225.2
Manhattan Point 56
Maple Bay Speed Control light buoy 276.12
Maple Point 635.5
Maple Spit light buoy P39 497.5
Mara Point 46.5
Marble Island 807.6
Marked Tree Bluff 677
Marktosis 121
Mary Anne Point 274
Mary Point 661
Mary Tod Island 214
Masset Harbour Entrance light buoy C31 791.5
Masset Harbour Entrance range 792, 792.1
Masset Harbour light and bell buoy C29 791.3
Masterman Islands 563
Mate Island 117
Matilda Inlet 120
Maude Island (Nanoose Harbour) 486
Maud Island 516
Maud Island South 515.5
Maurus Channel 125
McBride Bay 97.8
McCoy Cove Sector 779
McCreight Point 741.3
McEwan Rock 577
McHarg Bank light buoy E88 740.5
McInnes Island 619
McIntosh Rock 711.5
McKay Island 119.4
McMullen Point 517
McNiffe Rock 73.4
Meares Spit light buoy Y8 126
Merry Island 449
Metlakatla Entrance light buoy D67 718.5
Metlakatla Sector 718
Middle Nomad ODAS light buoy 46004 807.17
Middle Reef light buoy M41 89
Middle River Head 840
Middle River Mouth 830
Mill Bay 755.6
Millstone Creek light buoy P11 444.5
Millstone light buoy P9 444
Mission Creek light buoy E10 57.6
Mist Rock 74.5
Money Point 651
Monks Islet 123
Moore Island 746
Morehouse Rock light and bell buoy EC 627
Moresby Island West ODAS light buoy 46208 812
Morfee Island 124
Mouat Point 257.5
Muchalat Inlet 111
Muchalat Inlet East 112
Muchalat Inlet South Shore 112.2
Mystery Reef light and bell buoy Q25 478



Nahwitti Bar light and whistle buoy MA 575
Nahwitti Point 574
Nakusp light buoy A26 39
Nanaimo Harbour Entrance 440
Nanaimo Harbour Sector 441.6
Nanakwa Shoal ODAS light buoy 46181 654.5
Nanoose Harbour 487
Napier Point 607
Naramata Breakwater 59.3
Needles Sector 29.5
Neill Ledge light bifurcation buoy NP 551
Neill Rock light buoy N21 551.3
Nelson East 1.3
Nelson Rock 456
Nepean Rock South Cardinal light and bell buoy EM 741.5
New Bella Bella Rock light buoy E19 610.5
New Cut Inbound range 338, 338.5
New Cut Outbound range 327, 328
New Westminster Railway Swing Bridge 368
Niagara Creek 827
Nicholson (Hoonees) Island 604.2
Nimpkish Bank 549
Nine Mile Point 4
Nine Mile Point 49.2
Noble Islets 567
Nootka 105
North Arm Approach 824.2
North Arm Breakwater 382
North Arm Inner (Easterly) 385
North Arm Third 384
Northeast Point 467
Northern ODAS light buoy 70-6 54.5
North Ferry Landing Sector 815
North Hanmer 675.3
North Hecate Strait ODAS light buoy 46183 734.5
North Nomad ODAS light buoy 46184 807.15
North Rachael Island 688
North Reef 284
Northside Jetty 1A 313.5
Northside Jetty 3 315
Northside Jetty 3A 316
Northside Jetty 5 317
Northside Jetty 5A 318
Northside Jetty 7 320
Northside Jetty 7A 322
Northside Jetty 11 326
Northside Jetty 13 329
Northwest Rocks 735
Norway Island 286.5
Nose Point 259
Nuchatlitz 90
Numas Islands 559.5



Observatory Inlet 764
Octopus Point 276.1
Odlum Island 588
Ogden Point Breakwater 204
Ohlsen Point 71
Okanagan Landing Cautionary light buoy EA 51.5
Okanagan Landing Cautionary light buoy EB 51.6
Okeover Inlet 479.7
Oldfield Breakwater 706.2
Olsen Creek 476.7
One Tree Islet 726.2
Ormiston Point 667
Osborne Island 752.2
Otter Passage 740
Oval Bank West Cardinal light and bell buoy EOB 747.5



Pachena Point 178
Paige Point Sector 741.8
Pam Rock 424
Panther Point light buoy U44 293
Parizeau Point 705
Parry Passage 805
Parry Patch Sector 640.5
Parson Island 544.6
Patey Rock 249
Patricia Bay Breakwater 251.5
Patrol Islet light buoy U16 248.2
Peachland North Breakwater 58.3
Pearse Canal Island 753.5
Pearson Point 768
Peile Point 268
Pellow Islets light buoy U15 256.5
Pelly Island 208
Pender Harbour 454
Peninsula Point 825.4
Penticton Breakwater 64.3
Pepin Point 710.5
Perrin Anchorage 617.5
Peter Point 672.5
Peterson Islet 534
Petrel Point 738.3
Petrel Rock light and bell buoy D39 700
Philips Point Sector 703.7
Phillimore Point 269
Piers Island light buoy U12 245
Pill Point 152
Pine Island 576
Pitt Island (Grenville Channel) 670
Pitt Lake light buoy L11 372.5
Pitt Lake light buoy L15 373.1
Pitt Lake light buoy L20 373.2
Pitt Lake light buoy L21 373.25
Pitt Lake light buoy L23 373.4
Pitt Lake North light buoy L24 373.3
Pitt Point 671
Pitt Point light buoy D3 671.2
Pitt River Cautionary light buoy LA 372.8
Plato Island 823
Plover Point 665.1
Pocahontas Point 156
Point Atkinson 386
Point Cowan 418
Point Cumming 650
Pointer Island 592
Pointer Rocks 729
Point Fairfax 254.5
Point Grey light and bell buoy Q62 387
Polly Point 165
Popham Island 432
Porlier Pass light and bell buoy U41 287
Porlier Pass range 288, 289
Porpoise Channel East 698
Porpoise Channel Entrance 696
Porpoise Channel West 697
Porpoise Harbour 693
Porpoise Harbour range 694, 695
Port Clements Breakwater 795.3
Port Douglas Channel 380
Port Hardy Aeronautical Beacon 554
Port Hardy Boat Basin Aeronautical Beacon 566.2
Port Hardy Boat Basin North 566
Port Hardy Boat Basin South 566.1
Portlock Point 267
Port Mann Training Dyke Lower 369
Port Mann Training Dyke Upper 370
Port McNeill Breakwater 551.5
Port Moody 416.5
Port San Juan light and whistle buoy YK 183
Port Simpson Breakwater 726.7
Port Washington 266.5
Powder Island Rock Cautionary buoy LB 372.7
Powell Lake North 476.9
Powell River Floating Breakwater 476.35
Powell River Floating Breakwater Entrance North 476.2
Preedy Harbour 295
Prideaux Island 149
Prince Rupert Aeronautical Beacon 720
Princesa Channel 101
Principe Channel 739
Procter 10
Procter Middle Ground 7
Procter Sector 8.3
Prospect Point 392
Pryce Channel 527.2
Pulteney Point 553
Purfleet Point 355.9
Purfleet Point range 356, 357



Quarry Point 644
Quartzite Point 48
Quathiaski Cove 512.5
Quatsino 68
Quatsino Narrows 70.5
Queen Charlotte City Breakwater 782.7



Race Passage East 522.5
Race Point 515
Race Rocks 189
Race Rocks East Cautionary light buoy VG 192
Race Rocks South Cautionary light buoy VF 189.5
Rachael Island South Cardinal light and whistle buoy DSO 687.3
Ralston Islands South 738.7
Ramsbotham Islands 626
Ramsden Point 755
Rattlesnake Island 62.5
Ray Point range 538, 539
Rebecca Rock 471
Reception Point 448.8
Redcliff Point 646
Reedman Point 51
Reed Point 416
Reef Point Sector 639.8
Refuge Cove 479.8
Refuge Island Boat Harbour Sector 799
Regatta Rocks 611.7
Renata North 27.3
Renata South 27.2
Repulse Point light buoy P42 498
Retaskit 65
Rhinoceros Point 14
Richard Rock 144
Richards Point 765
Ridley Island light and bell buoy D27 698.5
Ripple Point 521
Riverside East 409.95
Rix Island 656
Roberson Point Sector 716
Roberts Bank 309
Roberts Bank Cautionary light buoy TA 309.5
Roberts Bank Cautionary light buoy TB 307.7
Roberts Bank Entrance range 307.91, 307.92
Roberts Bank light buoy T1 307.9
Roberts Bank light buoy T2 307.2
Roberts Bank light buoy T4 307.3
Roberts Bank light buoy T6 307.4
Roberts Bank light buoy T8 307.5
Roberts Bay 230.6
Roche Point 412
Rock Point 519
Rogers Reef 433.3
Rolston Island 81.5
Rooney Point 793.3
Rosedale Rock light buoy V15 189.1
Rose Island Passage Bifurcation light buoy DF 726.1
Rosenfeld Rock light buoy U59 263
Rose Point light and bell buoy C26 791
Rose Spit East Cardinal light and whistle buoy CUT 790
Round Island 555
Rugged Islands 75
Rugged Point 83
Rushton Island light and bell buoy D72 753.2
Rushton Island light and bell buoy D75 753.3
Ryan Point Reef 723



Sainty Point 665
Salmon Arm Approach light buoy E26 43.5
Salmon Arm Inner 43
Salmon Arm range 42.8, 42.9
Salter Point 103.5
Saltery Bay 456.6
Saltspring Island East Sector 291.1
San Carlos Point 108
Sand Heads 311
Sand Heads light and bell buoy S1 310
Sand Island light buoy A18 33.5
Sand Spit 813
Sandspit Aeronautical Beacon 784
Sangster Island 490.3
San Jose Islets 170
Santiago 99.5
Sapperton Bar Dyke 371
Sarah Island 643
Saturna Island Sector 264
Saunders Creek 668
Saunders Island light buoy E20 610
Savary Island Wharf 478.5
Sawmill Point 11.5
Scarlett Point 570
Schooner Cove Breakwater 488.3
Schooner Reefs 488.5
Schroeder Point 19
Scotch Creek 50.7
Scroggs Rocks 196
Scudder Point 773
Seabird Rocks 177
Seal Cove 711
Seal Rocks 748
Sea Otter Cove 67
Seapool Rocks light and whistle buoy Y49 173
Sechelt Islets 462
Second Narrows 410
Second Narrows East 410.5
Second Narrows Highway Bridge East 408.55
Second Narrows Highway Bridge (Northeast) 408.7
Second Narrows Highway Bridge (Northwest) 408.8
Second Narrows Highway Bridge (Southeast) 408.53
Second Narrows Highway Bridge (Southwest) 408.54
Second Narrows Highway Bridge West 408.6
Second Narrows West Directional 408.51
Secret Cove Entrance 450.5
Selma Park Breakwater 448.5
Selwyn Point 777
Senanus Island 252
Sentry Shoals ODAS light buoy 46131 509.5
Separation Head 516.6
Separation Point 250
Serpent Point 593
Seven Mile Point 3
Seymour Island 542.5
Shag Rock 804.6
Shalath Approach 65.2
Sharp Point 117.5
Shears Islands 143
Sheers Island 374
Sheringham Point 186
Shkgeaum Bay range 715, 715.1
Shoal Point 207
Shoal Point 367
Shorts Point 51.7
Shrub Island 722
Shuswap Channel 46
Shute Reef 248.3
Sicamous Narrows 45.5
Sidney Breakwater 230.7
Sidney Channel light buoy U2 228
Sidney Spit 230.3
Silva Bay 434.3
Sisters Islets 493
Sisters Point 604.5
Skaha Lake Breakwater 64.4
Skookumchuck Narrows 461
Skookum Island 463
Slippery Rock 725
Sloop Islet 795
Smith Island Reef 818.5
Smith Point 38.5
Snag Bay 28
Snake Island 436
Snake Island Reef light and bell buoy P2 437
Snug Cove 419
Snug Cove North 419.5
Sointula Breakwater 552.5
Solander Island 77
Somass River 168.1
Sooke Harbour Inner range 188.2, 188.22
Sooke Harbour Outer range 188.1, 188.12
South Bay 782.3
South Brooks ODAS light buoy 46132 87.5
South Cod Reef South Cardinal light buoy US 225.3
Southern Georgia Strait ODAS light buoy 4600303 308.5
Southern ODAS light buoy 70-1 63.5
Southey Point 286
South Hecate Strait ODAS light buoy 46185 621.5
South Moresby ODAS light buoy 46147 769.5
South Nomad ODAS light buoy 46036 177.5
South Rachael Island 687.5
Sowchea Bay light buoy T1 821.3
Spanish Bank 387.01
Spanish Bank No. 2 386.3
Spencer Creek 156.5
Spider Channel 588.7
Spilsbury Point 481.5
Spire Ledge light and bell buoy D47 702
Split Head (Separation Point) 641
Spring Cove light buoy Y45 137.3
Squally Point 63
Squamish Approach 425.5
Squamish range 426, 427
Squamish Terminal No. 1 427.4
Squamish Terminal No. 2 427.5
Squamish Terminal range 427.1, 427.2
Stamp Narrows 163
Staniforth Point 660
Starling Point 118
Star Point 155
Steamboat Island 44.6
Steamer Point 94
Steep Island 514
Stenhouse Shoal light and whistle buoy D59 751.1
Steveston Breakwater 335
Stewart 759
Stewart Dolphin West 760
Stewart Narrows East 651.3
Stewart Narrows West 651.4
Stick Islet 745.4
Stockham Island 127
Story Point 608
Straggling Islands 73
Striae Islands 798
Strickland Creek East 5.6
Stubbs Rock light buoy C40 795.5
Stubbs Spit light buoy Y25 128
Sturgeon Bank light buoy T10 380.5
Summerland Breakwater 58.1
Summerland North Breakwater 58.5
Sunny Island 595
Surgeon Islets 560
Susan Rock 618
Sutil Point light and bell buoy Q20 482
Sutlej (Deadman) Point 598
Sutton Rock light buoy Y44 138
Swale Rock 150
Syringa Creek 26



Table Hill 737.1
Tachie River 818
Tachie River Head 836
Tahsis Narrows 99
Tahsis Narrows North 98
Tahsis Narrows South 98.3
Takla Narrows 845
Tasu Sound 810
Tattenham Ledge light buoy Q51 451
Tcenakun Point 808
Teal Island 594.5
Templar Channel light buoy Y2 133
Tenas Island 642
Ten Mile Point 158
Terminal Dock East 408.5
Texada Island 465.5
Thrasher Rock 433
Thulin Passage 479.5
Tibbs Islet 122
Tilbury Inbound 352.9
Tilbury Outbound 350.9
Tilbury Outbound range 351, 352
Tilbury range inbound 353, 354
Tofino Breakwater 129.9
Tolmie Channel Sector 641.5
Tom Island 666
Tomkinson Point 662
Tom Point Sector 225
Tonquin Island light buoy Y1 133.5
Toquaht Bay 142
Traders Cove 55
Tree Bluff light and bell buoy D86 726
Trevor Channel Entrance Sector 172.5
Trial Islands 212
Tribune Rock 569.3
Triple Islands 752
Trivett Point 649
Trout Creek 64
Tsawwassen 307.13
Tsawwassen Ferry Breakwater 307.1
Tsawwassen Ferry South 307.15
Tsehum Harbour 233
Tsehum Harbour Entrance 234.1
Tsowwin Narrows 100
Tsowwin Narrows West 100.2
Tuck Inlet Narrows 710.6
Tuck Inlet North 710.7
Tugboat Island 434
Tugwell Reef light and bell buoy D61 721
Tulip Point 26.5
Tuna Point 543
Turn Island 518.5
Tuzo Rock 210
Twin Bays 13.5
Twin Islands 412.4
Two Mile Point 1
Tyee Point 423
Tyee Point 522.2
Tyee Spit range 512.6, 512.7
Tyee Spit South Breakwater 511.3



Uganda Passage 483
Upper Whatshan Sector 30
Upwood Point 465
Useless Point 686
UVic Beverley ODAS light buoy 136.7
UVic Campbell ODAS light buoy 134.5
UVic Sombrio ODAS buoy 183.7



Vancouver Approach Cautionary light buoy QA 385.5
Vancouver Rock light and whistle buoy E54 636
Vansittart Point 522
Vedder Rock 379.3
Venn Passage 713
Vernaci Island 104.8
Verney Passage East 661.5
Verney Passage West 661.4
Victoria Aero Beacon 235
Victoria Harbour Cautionary light buoy VH 203
Victoria Harbour Entrance light buoy V21 204.5
Victoria Harbour Traffic Scheme Cautionary light buoy #1 208.2
Victoria Harbour Traffic Scheme Cautionary light buoy #2 208.4
Victoria Harbour Traffic Scheme Cautionary light buoy #3 208.6
Victoria Harbour Traffic Scheme Cautionary light buoy #4 208.8
Victoria Harbour Traffic Scheme Cautionary light buoy #5 208.9
Victoria Shoal light buoy U43 291.3
Victor Island 112.4
Virago Rock Sector Light 289.3



Waddington Channel 527.7
Wain Rock 248.6
Walkem Islands 520
Walker (Camp) Island 606
Walker Rock 290.9
Walker Rock Sector 291
Wall Islands 628.5
Walsh Rock 624.8
Watcher Island 580
Watson Rock 672
Wearing Point 599
Wedge Island 556
Wedge Point Sector 639.3
Wentworth Rock light and whistle buoy N31 561.4
West Arm Approach 10.3
Westbank Breakwater 57.3
Westerly 381
West Redonda Island 527
West Sea Otter ODAS light buoy 46204 582.5
Westview Harbour North 476
Westview Harbour South 472
Whale Rock bifurcation light buoy VC 202
Whaletown Bay 483.2
Whaletown Bay Entrance 483.3
Whatshan Sector downstream 31
Wheeler Island 738
Whiffin Spit 188
Whippoorwill Point 378
Whiskey Island 54
Whiskey Point 41
White Islets 448
White Point 592.5
Whiterock Breakwater 299.7
Whiterock Passage 484
Whiterock Passage range 1 484.1, 484.2
Whiterock Passage range 2 484.3, 484.4
Whitesand Island 730.5
Wiah Point 800
Wiah Point light and bell buoy C50 798.8
Wickaninnish Island 132.5
Wilbraham Point 450
Wilby Shoals light buoy P60 510
Wilfred Point 516.3
Williamson Passage 110.7
Wilson Rock light and bell buoy E75 625
Windy Point 739.5
Wing Dam range 323, 324
Wizard Islet 171
Wolf Clan light buoy EF5 749.4
Woodbury Point 16
Woodlands 412.3
Woodward Island 345
Woodward Island Inbound range 340, 341
Woodward Island North 339
Woodward Island Outbound range 342, 343
Work Island 647



Yellow Bluff Sector 549.2
York Point 634



Zeballos Inlet 96
Zeballos Inlet North 97
Zeballos Inlet South 95
Zero Rock 223
Zuciarte Channel 109.5
Zuciarte Channel South 108.5



#1 208.2
#2 208.4
#3 208.6
#4 208.8
#5 208.9
70-1 63.5
70-5 59
70-6 54.5
46004 807.17
46036 177.5
46131 509.5
46132 87.5
46145 801
46146 447.5
46147 769.5
46181 654.5
46183 734.5
46184 807.15
46185 621.5
46204 582.5
46205 807.1
46206 176.5
46207 67.4
46208 812
4600303 308.5
4600304 385.3



A18 33.5
A26 39
A29 40.7



C16 787
C18 786
C19 785
C26 791
C29 791.3
C31 791.5
C40 795.5
C50 798.8
CUT 790



D3 671.2
D6 671.6
D10 675.6
D24 692
D27 698.5
D39 700
D40 701.2
D42 701.5
D43 701
D47 702
D50 705.1
D53 706.3
D57 753
D59 751.1
D60 751.2
D61 721
D62 753.1
D63 722.5
D67 718.5
D72 753.2
D75 753.3
D76 719.5
D84 724
D86 726
D91 727
DAX 688.5
DCO 687.1
DE 705.8
DF 726.1
DSO 687.3



E10 57.6
E19 610.5
E20 610
E26 43.5
E33 612
E54 636
E63 620
E64 622
E75 625
E88 740.5
E95 745.5
E98 746.8
EA 51.5
EB 51.6
EB2 631.3
EB4 631.4
EB5 631.5
EB7 631.1
EC 627
EF1 748.5
EF2 749.2
EF5 749.4
EH 642.7
EM 741.5
EOB 747.5



L11 372.5
L15 373.1
L20 373.2
L21 373.25
L23 373.4
L24 373.3
LA 372.8
LB 372.7



M3 68.2
M14 73.5
M38 84
M40 88.1
M41 89
M56 106
MA 575



N17 549.3
N20 550
N21 551.3
N22 553.5
N31 561.4
N32 569.2
N33 576.4
N35 570.5
NP 551



P0 435.2
P2 437
P9 444
P11 444.5
P12 445
P21 488
P39 497.5
P42 498
P54 500
P60 510
PB 507.5
PL 446.5
PW 445.5



Q20 482
Q25 478
Q26 477.5
Q41 388.6
Q51 451
Q52 388.1
Q62 387
Q65 395.3
QA 385.5
QB 388
QC 390.5
QD 391
QM 477



S1 310
S2 314
S4 319
S6 321
S8 321.5
S10 325
S14 332
S16 336
S19 337
S21 337.5
S23 346.7
S25 344
S28 349
S30 349.5
S32 350
S34 358
S40 368.5
SO 312



T1 307.9
T1 821.3
T2 307.2
T3 819
T4 307.3
T6 307.4
T8 307.5
T10 380.5
T14 308
TA 309.5
TB 307.7



U1 226.3
U2 228
U8 240
U9 247.3
U10 247
U12 245
U14 240.5
U15 256.5
U16 248.2
U18 248
U30 281
U41 287
U43 291.3
U44 293
U45 290
U47 276
U59 263
U60 258.2
U62 258.4
UD 258.5
UJ 265.5
UK 270
UM 433.1
UN 257.9
US 225.3
UT 225.1



V15 189.1
V17 198
V21 204.5
V30 222.8
VC 202
VD 216.4
VF 189.5
VG 192
VH 203
VK 215.5



Y1 133.5
Y2 133
Y3 132
Y8 126
Y11 123.3
Y25 128
Y42 136
Y43 136.5
Y44 138
Y45 137.3
Y49 173
Y51 169
YK 183

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