34Information Concerning Submarines
The Canadian Armed Forces, Royal Canadian Navy, operates four Victoria Class submarines. Mariners are warned that they may encounter these submarines anywhere off the Canadian coast, particularly in the vicinity of Halifax including the operating areas south of Halifax, and Victoria including the Juan de Fuca Strait and the Georgia Strait, especially in the vicinity of Nanoose Bay. United States Navy submarines are also frequently encountered off the east and west coasts of Canada. Submarines may be surfaced or submerged, operating independently, or with surface ships and/or aircraft.
2.Submarine Presence Indicators
(a)Visual Signals Exhibited by Surface Ships Operating with Submarines
When a surface ship is operating with a submarine the surface ship will fly the International Code Group “NE Pennant 2”, meaning Submarines are exercising in this vicinity; you should proceed with great caution. Vessels should steer so as to give a wide berth to any ship flying this signal. If, for any reason, it is necessary to approach this ship, vessels should proceed at slow speed until warning is given of the danger zone by VHF bridge-to-bridge radio, flags or signal lamp. At all times, a good lookout should be kept for submarines whose presence may only be indicated by a periscope or snorkel showing above the water.
(b)Pyrotechnic Signals Released by Submarines
A submarine, when operating at depth, either independently or with a surface ship or aircraft, may indicate its position by releasing a smoke candle or a flare. (See para. 8)
(c)Navigation Warnings
Under certain circumstances, warnings that submarines are exercising in specified areas may be issued as CANHYDROLANT and CANHYDROPAC messages on standard navigational warning broadcasts.
3.Navigation Lights
(a)On many occasions, the overall arrangement of submarine lights and their small silhouettes, both while underway and at anchor, have led to submarines being mistaken for much smaller vessels. For instance, submarines at anchor by night have been confused with two separate vessels of less than 50 m (164 ft.) in length. The masthead and sidelights of submarines are placed well forward and very low over the water in proportion to the length and tonnage of these vessels. In particular, the masthead steaming light may be well forward of the midpoint of the submarine's length. The stern light is placed very low and may at times be partially obscured by spray and wash, but is invariably lower than the sidelights. Some submarines may be encountered which do not carry a forward steaming light and on which the stern light may be situated on the after end of the fin. In addition, if a submarine is sighted on, or shortly after, surfacing (or shortly before diving), it may not be displaying navigation lights as these are stowed whilst a submarine is submerged. Victoria Class submarine navigation lights are normally positioned as follows:
i.Masthead Steaming Light – above the fin about
9.27 m above the surface.
ii.Stern Light – at the back of the fin about
6.84 m above the surface.
iii.Side Lights – below and forward of the masthead
light about 3.0 m apart and 7.63 m above the
iv.Forward Anchor Light – in the bows about 5.5 m
above the surface; and
v.After Anchor Light – at the stern about 3.3 m
above the surface.
(b)In addition to displaying the prescribed navigation
lights for such vessels, some submarines may show a yellow
coloured light, producing 90 flashes per minute, visible
all round the horizon for a distance of at least
three nautical miles. The light is located over the fin
about 10.16 m above the surface.
(c)Submerged submarines at periscope depth may show an
all round or quick flashing red or yellow light to indicate
their presence to exercising aircraft.
Note: In restricted waters submarines should be passed with caution, observing their limited manoeuvrability on the surface, deep draught and their vulnerability to collision.
4.Indications of a Submerged Submarine in Distress
A disabled submarine which is unable to surface will try to indicate its position using the following methods:
(a)Releasing distress buoys described in para 7 of
this notice as soon as the accident occurs;
(b)Firing red pyrotechnic signals described in
para 8 of this notice. While the submarine may fire these
signals at any time, the signals are most likely to be released
on the approach of surface vessels and in response to sound
signals in para (5) (e). These are special message
carrying smoke candles, which also release dye. Every effort
should be made to obtain this message, which will be in a
tubular container attached to the top of the smoke
(c)Pumping out fuel or lubricating oil;
(d)Releasing air bubbles;
(e)Personnel or debris floating on the surface. The
personnel may be unconscious or incoherent due to decompression
sickness (DCS) problems and unable to explain their position.
They may or may not be wearing a Submarine Escape Suit or a
Submarine Surface Abandonment Suit.
Mk10 Submarine Escape Suit with MK 18 Single Individual Life
Mk 18 One Man Life Raft which comes with Submarine Escape Suit
5.Submarine Surface Abandonment
(a)There are a myriad of reasons that may force a crew
of a submarine to abandon their vessel. In most cases, these
will include damage sustained as a result from a fire, flood,
atmosphere contamination, or reactor emergency. Circumstances
leading to the crew abandoning a submarine will develop rapidly
and very likely result in a swift evacuation with little
preparation time.
(b)Surface abandonment from a submarine is accomplished
by evacuating the submarine using the main deck hatches or
sail/ fin hatches. This is an extremely difficult evolution,
particularly in higher sea states and, unlike surface ships,
submarines offer no freeboard protection and are usually not
fitted with large life rafts and/ or ready-use provisions to
support and sustain the crew.
(c)Once the crew has successfully abandoned the
submarine, survivors face numerous challenges and adverse
conditions while waiting for rescue forces. Survivors from an
abandoned submarine are unlikely to have experienced
decompression sickness; however, there may be casualties or
major injuries from smoke inhalation, radiation, or
(d)Survivors are likely to be in an Escape Suit or in
some instances, a Submarine Surface Abandonment Suit and may be
tethered together or in portable or fixed life rafts.
Submarine Surface Abandonment Suit
The Submarine Surface Abandonment Suit (SSAS) is a high-performance one-piece, one-size-fits-all immersion suit designed to provide an exceptional level of thermal protection and floatation to personnel immersed in colder waters for a period of up to 12 hours.
Submarine Surface Abandonment Suit
Portable Six-Person Submarine Inflatable Life Raft
Victoria Class submarines carry ten portable six-person submarine inflatable life rafts. These life rafts are designed for use in the event personnel are forced to abandon ship and are to be deployed in conjunction with the SSAS.
6.Submarine Disaster Actions
(a)In any submarine accident, time is the most vital
factor affecting the chances of rescue of survivors. At the
first indication that a submarine accident has occurred – by
sighting the indications noted in para 4 of this notice or
actually being in collision with a submarine – an immediate
report should be made by the quickest available means to the
Headquarters of Maritime Forces Atlantic in Halifax NS,
Phone (902) 427-2501 or the Headquarters of Maritime
Forces Pacific in Esquimalt BC, Phone (250) 363-2425
as appropriate, or to the nearest Marine Communications and
Traffic Services Centre.
(b)The aim of a submarine rescue operation is to save
lives and will have to achieve the following:
i.Fix the exact position of the submarine;
ii.Get a ship standing by to pick up survivors, if
practicable, with boats already lowered;
iii.Inform the trapped personnel that help is at
iv.Get medical assistance to recovered survivors;
v.Get a recompression chamber to the scene; and
vi.Get divers, rescue equipment, etc., on the scene to
assist the submarine personnel.
(c)There are Maritime Forces Atlantic and Pacific organizations designed to respond to a submarine search and rescue event, which are kept at an immediate readiness for action. It is clear, however, that any ship may at any time find evidence of a submarine disaster, and if it takes prompt and correct action as described above may be in a position to play a vital role. There should be no reluctance to make a report of a suspected submarine accident because the observer has been unable to establish beyond any reasonable doubt that a submarine accident has occurred. Canadian Maritime Forces Atlantic and Pacific are prepared to react appropriately.
(d)At any time after a submarine accident, survivors may
start attempting to escape. Conditions inside are likely to
deteriorate rapidly and postponement of escape will only be
made in order to allow rescue ships time to reach the scene.
Any ship finding a submarine indicator buoy should not
therefore, leave the position but should remain in the area,
well clear, ready to pick up survivors. The survivors will
ascend nearly vertical and it is important that plenty of sea
room be given to enable them to do so in safety. On arrival at
the surface, personnel may be exhausted or ill, and if
circumstances are favourable, the presence of a boat already
lowered is very desirable. Some personnel may require
recompression and it will be the aim of the Commander of either
Maritime Forces Atlantic or Pacific as appropriate to get
personnel to a recompression chamber without delay.
(e)In order that those trapped in the submarine are
aware that help is at hand, rescue forces may drop up to
12 small explosive charges (individually at
five second intervals) into the sea. There is no objection
to the use of small charges for this purpose, but it is vital
that they are not dropped too close, as sailors in the process
of making ascents are particularly vulnerable to underwater
explosions and may easily receive fatal injuries. A distance of
a quarter of a nautical mile is considered to be safe. If no
small charges are available, the running of an echo sounder or
tapping on the ship's hull with a hammer from a position below
the waterline is likely to be heard in the submarine. These
signalling methods will reassure trapped survivors and
therefore should be done at regular intervals.
7.Canadian Submarine Distress Buoys
(a)Canadian Victoria Class submarines are fitted with
two indicator buoys which are tethered to the submarine by a
mooring line. These buoys are marked as either FORWARD or AFT
to indicate the end of the submarine from which they were
released and are marked with the submarine’s identification
number. They can be released from inside the vessel in case of
emergency or, if for any reason, the submarine is not able to
surface. These buoys do not contain a telephone and there is,
therefore, no requirement to approach it. Great care should be
taken to avoid damage to the buoy and its mooring line and it
should only be touched if it shows signs of sinking. In this
case, a boat should endeavour to support the buoy while putting
minimum possible strain on the nylon line. Attaching a life
raft to the buoy may be the best means of achieving adequate
support. There is a great danger of parting the mooring line
and losing the location of the distressed submarine.
(b)Victoria Class submarine indicator buoys are
Type 639 model 060 buoys. These buoys, with
Scotch-lite orange and silver reflective tape wrapped
alternately around the upper half of the body, have a white
light which flashes every two seconds. The buoy has a visual
three-digit identifier in accordance with ATP 57 – NATO
Submarine Search and Rescue Manual. There is a mooring bolt on
the bottom from which is suspended 1000 m of 1.3 cm
(circumference) nylon mooring line. The buoys float with a
freeboard of about 15.2 cm. The buoy has an extending
vertical whip antenna, which extends to a height of
1.77 meters above the buoy. A white light which flashes
approximately twice every second for at least 40 hours is
mounted in the centre of the top surface. In darkness, and
during good weather, the visibility of the light without
binoculars is 3.2 kilometres. For identification purposes,
the following inscription is carried on each buoy around the
top surface.
IN ENGLISH - S.O.S. identification number). Finder inform Navy, Coastguard or Police. Do not secure to or touch.
IN FRENCH - S.O.S. numéro d'identification). Prévenir
immédiatement autorités maritimes. Défense de toucher.
Each Canadian submarine has two buoys which are fitted with an
automatic transmitting radio unit operating on 243.0 MHz,
and the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
frequency 406.025 MHz. The signals are transmitted
automatically when the indicator buoy is released. On frequency
243 MHz, the sound is a high-pitched tone dropping to a
low-pitched tone, then a break. This is repeated and these
repeating tones will trigger automatic receiving SAR equipment.
On the GMDSS frequency, a 15-digit code is transmitted in
digitalized format. This code is received by satellite, which
will correspond to the specific indicator buoy. The code is
identified by the Rescue Coordination Centres. Ships hearing
these signals should immediately report their position and
depth of water and, if possible, an indication of signal
strength. If such a buoy is sighted in depths of water greater
than 1000 m, it is certain to be adrift, and this fact
should also be reported as soon as possible.
639 Indicator Buoy
(c)Submarine Emergency Positioning Indicating Radio Beacon (SEPIRB) is a (GMDSS) that is approved for use on submarines.
The SEPIRB has the following features:
-COSPAS-SARSAT approved 406 MHz/121.5 MHz
-Global Positioning System (GPS) position data supplied
in (COSPAS-SARSAT) message
-Capable of both submarine launch and manually by hand
Four are carried on board and can be fired from the submerged
signal ejectors.
The SEPIRB is designed for launch from submarines or by hand
over the side. The SEPIRB is a 3 inch diameter device with
a maximum overall length of 41.285 inches and a maximum
weight of 8.2 lbs.
The SEPIRB has a minimum operational life of
48 hours.
The SEPIRB is activated after the launch tab is bent back
during submarine launch or manually by hand.
Once on the surface, the SEPIRB immediately begins to obtain a
GPS fix and begins transmitting a 406.025 MHz digital
message to the COSPAS-SARSAT system containing its initial GPS
fix (default value until GPS fix is obtained), elapsed time
from activation, and unique ID number. No further updates of
position are performed.
Six hours after activation, the SEPIRB will begin
transmission of a 121.5 MHz homing beacon signal to assist
in the location of the buoy. Operation continues until
deactivation or end of battery life (min. of 48 hrs).
8.Submarine Pyrotechnics
There is a possibility that submarine pyrotechnics may be confused with aircraft marine markers, floats, sonobuoys, etc. Therefore, when making identification, reference should be also made to paragraph 9.
(a)Smoke Candles – When fired from a submerged
submarine, these white candles burn for up to 4 minutes
emitting smoke and flame and can be seen by day or night.
(b)Flares – A container floats to the surface
and a small explosive hurls a container about 150 m
(450 ft) into the air. The red or green flare descends
suspended from a parachute. Similar to a VERI flare,
light is visible for about 15 to 45 seconds.
(c) Message Carrier – When the red flare floats
to the surface and the canister is hurled into the air, the top
of the flare is ejected and floats on the surface. It releases
a green fluorescent dye in the water to mark its location.
Within the top there is a message compartment that could
contain a message from the bottomed submarine. Every effort
should be made to obtain the message.
Message Carrier Area of Nose Assembly SLF MK2
SLF MK2 (R) – Nose Assembly showing Dye Package
Submarine Launched Red Para Flare deployed
9.Marine Markers
The following may be dropped by aircraft or ships and, unless closely examined, may be mistaken for submarine pyrotechnics:
All sonobuoys currently in use by the Canadian Armed Forces are
cylindrical in shape prior to deployment and have the following
Diameter - 120.7 mm to 123.8 mm
Length - 909.6 mm to 917.6 mm
Once deployed, however, the physical characteristics of the
sonobuoys vary considerably, depending on purpose and
Warning - Some sonobuoys contain lithium batteries, which are
potentially hazardous. Improper handling of the lithium power
supply could result in extreme battery temperatures, venting of
toxic gases, fire and explosion. Most sonobuoys employ
CO2 gas bottles to inflate the surface float
and may be hazardous if accidental activation occurs during
(b)Warning – Markers contain pyrotechnic composition (red phosphorous) and, if not completely burned out, are very dangerous and may cause severe burns if handled.
Marine Location Marker C2A2
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