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3978 - Bonilla Island to/à Edye Passage - New Chart - 01-JUL-2016 - World Geodetic System 1984

28-FEB-2025LNM/D. 17-FEB-2023
Reposition yellow ODAS/SADO lighted super-buoy Fl(5) Y, marked 46183
(See Chart 1, Q58)
from 53°36′59.3″N 131°06′22.4″W
to 53°36′25.9″N 131°06′21.7″W

(P2024112) LL(734.5) DFO(6205085-01)
17-FEB-2023LNM/D. 26-FEB-2021
Add submarine cable
(See Chart 1, L30.1)
joining 53°29′35.9″N 130°38′17.9″W
53°29′43.2″N 130°38′59.5″W
53°29′58.2″N 130°41′23.4″W
53°29′48.5″N 130°41′54.1″W
53°29′31.6″N 130°42′35.5″W
53°29′34.7″N 130°43′22.7″W
53°29′59.9″N 130°43′51.5″W
53°30′26.3″N 130°45′40.6″W
53°30′09.2″N 130°47′12.0″W
53°30′06.2″N 130°51′33.2″W
53°30′09.6″N 130°54′28.3″W
53°30′20.6″N 130°55′23.8″W
53°30′06.3″N 130°56′11.2″W
and 53°29′59.7″N 131°10′00.0″W

17-FEB-2023LNM/D. 26-FEB-2021
Add submarine cable
(See Chart 1, L30.1)
joining 53°47′41.1″N 130°25′19.1″W
53°47′42.0″N 130°24′42.8″W
53°47′25.7″N 130°23′42.2″W
53°47′12.2″N 130°23′14.4″W
53°47′01.8″N 130°23′23.3″W
53°46′43.5″N 130°23′34.2″W
53°46′14.6″N 130°23′25.2″W
53°45′15.9″N 130°23′57.2″W
53°44′35.1″N 130°24′58.6″W
53°43′51.4″N 130°26′09.5″W
53°43′11.3″N 130°26′53.2″W
53°42′42.8″N 130°28′42.3″W
53°40′30.6″N 130°31′23.6″W
53°38′41.7″N 130°35′33.8″W
53°36′47.2″N 130°36′56.6″W
53°33′44.0″N 130°39′39.1″W
53°32′51.4″N 130°40′05.5″W
53°32′04.8″N 130°40′04.6″W
53°31′24.9″N 130°39′47.1″W
53°30′01.5″N 130°38′59.2″W
and 53°29′35.4″N 130°38′20.2″W

26-FEB-2021LNM/D. 17-JUL-2020
Affix patch
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370440
53°25′00.0″N 130°30′00.0″W

17-JUL-2020LNM/D. 27-SEP-2019
Delete abandoned spoil ground
(See Chart No. 1, N62.2)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370442, CA470597
53°54′03.0″N 130°16′00.0″W

27-SEP-2019LNM/D. 02-AUG-2019
Amend Q 13m11M with RACON to read Iso 1s13m11M with RACON against light
(See Chart No. 1, P1, S3.1)
53°40′24.1″N 130°24′42.7″W

LL(742.5) DFO(6204097-01)
02-AUG-2019LNM/D. 28-DEC-2018
Amend Adjoining Chart/Carte adjacente 3741 to read Adjoining Chart/Carte adjacente 3976
(See Chart No. 1, A20)
outside south border at 130-27-00W

28-DEC-2018LNM/D. 26-OCT-2018
Add light Q 13m11M with RACON
(See Chart No. 1, P1, S3.1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA270390, CA370441, CA470658
53°40′24.1″N 130°24′42.7″W

(P2018135) LL(742.5) DFO(6203932-01)
26-OCT-2018LNM/D. 30-MAR-2018
Add depth of 2.3 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370731, CA470315
54°05′27.6″N 130°26′35.6″W

26-OCT-2018LNM/D. 30-MAR-2018
Delete depth of 2.7 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370731, CA470315
54°05′25.8″N 130°26′37.0″W

26-OCT-2018LNM/D. 30-MAR-2018
Delete depth of 4.0 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370731, CA470315
54°06′01.9″N 130°26′04.5″W

26-OCT-2018LNM/D. 30-MAR-2018
Add depth of 3.4 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370731, CA470315
54°06′01.9″N 130°26′05.8″W

26-OCT-2018LNM/D. 30-MAR-2018
Add depth of 6.4 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370731, CA470315
54°06′00.9″N 130°25′51.7″W

26-OCT-2018LNM/D. 30-MAR-2018
Delete depth of 12.5 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370731
54°06′02.8″N 130°25′51.8″W

30-MAR-2018LNM/D. 16-FEB-2018
Add radar reflector against light Q
(See Chart No. 1, S4)
53°47′20.8″N 130°20′50.3″W

LL(745.1) DFO(6203704-01)
16-FEB-2018LNM/D. 09-FEB-2018
Add light Q G
(See Chart No. 1, P1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370442, CA470659
53°48′11.4″N 130°23′14.9″W

(P2017104) LL(745.4) DFO(6203619-01)
09-FEB-2018LNM/D. 02-FEB-2018
Add light Fl R
(See Chart No. 1, P1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370440, CA470618
53°37′03.1″N 130°19′59.4″W

(P2017098) LL(737.1) DFO(6203613-01)
02-FEB-2018LNM/D. 05-JAN-2018
Add light Fl G
(See Chart No. 1, P1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370442, CA470659
53°53′02.2″N 130°18′43.6″W

(P2017095) LL(672.5) DFO(6203609-01)
02-FEB-2018LNM/D. 05-JAN-2018
Add light Q
(See Chart No. 1, P1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370441, CA470659
53°47′20.8″N 130°20′50.3″W

(P2017090) LL(745.1) DFO(6203610-01)
02-FEB-2018LNM/D. 05-JAN-2018
Add light Fl
(See Chart No. 1, P1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370441, CA470659
53°47′37.4″N 130°23′16.2″W

(P2017087) LL(745.3) DFO(6203612-01)
02-FEB-2018LNM/D. 05-JAN-2018
Add radar reflector
(See Chart No. 1, S4)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370441, CA470659
53°47′37.4″N 130°23′16.2″W

(P2017087) LL(745.3) DFO(6203612-02)
05-JAN-2018LNM/D. 22-DEC-2017
Amend Q to read Q G against light
(See Chart No. 1,P1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370441, CA470659
53°45′26.5″N 130°19′04.9″W

(P2017083) LL(744) DFO(6203599-01)
22-DEC-2017LNM/D. 04-AUG-2017
Amend Fl 10m5M to read Fl R 11m5M against light
(See Chart No. 1, P1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA270390, CA370441, CA470658
53°42′27.3″N 130°24′43.0″W

(P2017075) LL(743) DFO(6203590-01)
04-AUG-2017LNM/D. 23-JUN-2017
Add green port hand lighted pillar buoy Fl G, marked EF5
(See Chart No. 1, Qg)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA270390, CA370731
54°08′12.0″N 131°05′00.0″W

(P2017032) LL(749.4) DFO(6203507-01)
04-AUG-2017LNM/D. 23-JUN-2017
Add green port hand lighted pillar buoy QG, marked EF1
(See chart No 1, Qg)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA270390, CA370731
54°00′12.0″N 131°05′52.2″W

(P2017033) LL(748.5) DFO(6203512-01)
04-AUG-2017LNM/D. 23-JUN-2017
Delete light Fl 6s8m7M
(See Chart No. 1, P1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370441, CA470620
53°37′34.3″N 130°21′04.5″W

(P2017040) LL(737) DFO(6203522-02)
23-JUN-2017LNM/D. 21-APR-2017
Add sector light Q WR 10m4M
red from 80° to 121°, white from 121° to 80°
(See Chart No. 1, P40.1)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA270390, CA370441, CA470622
53°38′19.0″N 130°28′13.5″W

(P2017025) LL(736.5) DFO(6203499-01)
21-APR-2017LNM/D. 07-APR-2017
Add restricted area with label ″Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound Glass Sponge Reefs Marine Protected Area/Zone de protection marine des récifs d′éponges siliceuses du détroit d′Hécate et du bassin de la Reine-Charlotte″
(See Chart No. 1, N2.1)

This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA270724, CA370440
joining 53°21′43.5″N 130°51′30.0″W
53°24′05.4″N 130°48′37.8″W
53°23′40.7″N 130°42′52.2″W
and 53°21′30.0″N 130°40′48.0″W

07-APR-2017LNM/D. 30-DEC-2016
Add red starboard hand lighted pillar buoy Fl R, marked EF2
(See Chart No. 1, Qf)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA270390, CA370731, CA470314
54°02′32.4″N 130°54′21.6″W

(P2017011) LL(749.2) DFO(6203466-01)
07-APR-2017LNM/D. 30-DEC-2016
Delete depth of 17.7 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA270390, CA370731
54°02′40.0″N 130°54′17.0″W

Delete depth of 3.7 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370442, CA570232
53°59′28.7″N 130°38′30.5″W

Add depth of 0.5 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA370442, CA470624, CA570232
53°59′29.1″N 130°38′30.2″W

Add depth of 3.2 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA470624, CA570232
54°00′07.1″N 130°39′12.4″W

Delete depth of 11 metres
(See Chart No. 1, I10)
This notice affects Electronic Navigational Chart: CA470624
54°00′08.0″N 130°39′15.2″W


Click here for the list of replaced and withdrawn charts by the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS).

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